Product Review: Dollar Shave Club


You down with DSC? Yeah, you know me! To be honest, in the beginning, Dollar Shave Club intimidated me.

“It can’t be that simple, can it? But I’m so used to getting completely reemed every time I need to buy a new cartridge of razors. How will I feel inside?” It was sort of like going to the DMV and they were suddenly serving ice cream or some shit, saying “Hi” to you, asking about your day…

I was so used to being degraded by the corporate razor entities that somehow I lost my self worth in the process, dawg.

But Dollar Shave Club restored me. And here’s how it works.


What Is Movember?


Movember is the leading global charity committed to changing the face of men’s health by sparking conversations though the growth of moustaches throughout the month of November.

The Movember Foundation exists to bring attention to health issues men face; specifically to reduce mortality from prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s suicide. And, to have fun while doing it.

But why? Lots of reasons, all men’s health specific:

– The average life expectancy for men in the United States is almost five years less than women.

– One in two men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

– 12.1% of men 18 years and over are in fair or poor health.

– Men are 24% less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year.

Movember (the month formerly known as November) is used to spark conversation about and raise funds for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems. Movember is entering its 11th year as a charity and has raised $550 million during that time frame.

So how does it work?

1. Sign up and become a “Mo Bro” at Must begin the 1st of Movemeber with a clean shaven face.

2. Grow and groom a moustache for the entire month. No beards, no goatees.

3. Donate.

4. Use the moustache to create conversations and funds about men’s health.

5. Have fun.

What’s more masculine than a moustache? Nothing. And, what is more fun than a “Moustache Ride?” Uh, nothing duh.

Movember starts this Saturday.


First Date Survival Kit from Axe and Philips Norelco

Axe And Philips Norelco First Date Survival Kit

On a first date with a hot babe, whether you’re five or 85, you’ve got to use everything in your arsenal to seal the deal.

Axe and Philips Norelco have your back, so you can “make love, not war.”

57% of women said “Sexy Stubble” is the most popular look, followed by clean-shaven at 31%. Philips Norelco and AXE have teamed up to create a line of awesome shaving and grooming tools.

The first component of the survival kit is the AXE Smooth Things Over Face Wash. Even if you are the smoothest man in the world, with a can of smoothness on the ready, AXE will help you prep your skin with the unique Peace fragrance.

Number two (“Who does number two WORK FOR?!) is the AXE Smooth Things Over Shave Gel, made for a clean shave or for tidying up below your neck area.

Numero tres is the AXE Philips Norelco Shave & Groom kit. AXE & Norelco will double team your face like Dennis Rodman and Jean-Claude Van Damme. All in the name of cutting every hair on your body smoove off.

Number four like Brett Favre and his “Weinergate” scandal, lets you trim your stubble perfectly with up to 20 settings. You can go from Tank Abbott to a Scott Disick in five milliseconds.

Axe and Philips Norelco have done all they can to set you up for the most sexually progressive night of your life. But getting laid is your job – and we’re rooting for you.

For more information, follow this link. 


Product Review: Schick Hydro 5 Sensitive Collection


The Schick Hydro 5 Sensitive Collection had all the sensitivity of a toddler petting a kitten on a pillow with a rainbow in the background, while listening to Richard Marx’s hit power ballad, “Hold Onto the Nights.”

As a dude, shaving your chin is a delicate, sensitive process. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve nicked myself in that particular area based solely on excessive speed and a lack of tenderness.

Luckily, the Schick Hydro 5 Sensitive is here to save us from ourselves. The Ultra Glide Blades are equipped with Skin Guards (that would be a sweet band name) that smooth the surface of the skin while you shave. In the 20-plus shaves I used the product, it didn’t happen once. And I sped through my shaves like a young Apollo Ohno.

Since we’re being sensitive, I have a confession to make. Thanks to investing in high priced, high-end shaving creams (not to be confused with the Tribe Called Quest classic, “The Low End Theory”) over the years, I’ve tended to look upon Edge products with a jaundiced eye.

I mean, look at the people Edge hangs out with — Wal-Mart, Target and almost any other national retail chain. Edge will pretty much align itself with anyone that will have it, and those whoreish tendencies have never been lost on me.

But, as with the case of many whores, there is also something that attracts you in the first place, no matter how many strange beds she’s laid in.

Read the full review here.


Workplace Survival Kit


Sometimes in the office, it’s difficult just to survive. For instance, when a hooded gunman is stalking your beloved “cube farm” with an AK-47, like in the picture above; we’ve all been there. Or, at least felt like it, thanks to a tight deadline or when we’ve mistakenly hooked up with a female co-worker on a whim the night before.

Even on days when you aren’t cowering behind a formica tabletop to save your hide, just getting to work on time can prove difficult. When running late for work, it’s easy to overlook personal grooming and hygiene in order to be on time to the office. Reviews, meetings, plans, and interactions also have a way of rearing their head at inconvenient times. In order to prepare for wildly unexpected situations,, the burn-free razor company, shares its office survival kit.

1.     Cut Those Hairs Down to Size – A few unruly neck hairs or a missed patch on your upper lip will have guys sweating bullets that someone will call them out for their missed razor stroke. A silky smooth razor with a thick lubricating strip in your desk, such as a razor from, will keep you razor-burn and hair free.

2.     Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Body odor can eat at you and the noses of your work neighbors. Instead of worrying about stress sweats, grab your deodorant and rub it on, in private, of course.

3.     Brush Away that Garlic Breathe – Oral hygiene plays a huge role in office interactions. While it may be a better idea to avoid potent foods that leave you gassy, having a new toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss is your best secondary line of defense.

4.     A Pair to Spare – A sweaty summer day, a stressful meeting, or an untimely rain storm all have ways to make a disaster out of our outfit! Keep a pair of extra socks, underwear, or a t-shirt nearby to keep you feeling fresh and looking neat.

5.     Dab It On – An accidental spill of coffee or food has a way of throwing off a guy’s appearance and mojo. Instead of soaking your clothing in the bathroom sink, keep a Tide To Go or other stain removing stick readily accessible to get your look and your attitude back into tip-top shape in no time.


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