Tom Brady catches grief for his new haircut
Tom Brady’s haircut is catching a lot of attention on social media. The most common insult is that he looks like he’s in junior high school.
Twitter hates Tom Brady’s new haircut.
— Yahoo Sports (@YahooSports) August 31, 2016
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Posted in: Hair Styles, Lifestyle
Tags: goofy haircuts, haircuts
Ridiculous haircuts – Thayer Evans
The SI story on the Oklahoma City scandal has gotten some serious blowback, but one of the funnier themes have involved the bizarre hair style of writer Thayer Evans. Will Leitch said that it “looks like Darren Rovell got caught in the wake of a jet engine.”
Take a look at this video and see for yourself.
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Posted in: Hair Styles
Tags: bad hair for men, bizarre haircust, goofy haircuts, guys with too much hair mousse, hair mousse, haircuts to avoid, mousse, Oklahoma City scandal, ridiculous haircuts, Thayer Evans, Thayer Evans funny hair, Thayer Evans hair style, too much mousse, Will Leitch