Lebron goes with the bald look

And Twitter goes crazy . . .

It’s a good look for him!


Billy Zane Is A Cool Dude

For an entire generation, Billy Zane made it cool to be bald again. Like a lot of men are forced to do, BZ endured a public battle with progressive baldness. Rather than cowering in the face of it and getting into a public “walk off” that he couldn’t possibly win (unlike one D. Zoolander) , BZ didn’t get sucked into the “comb over” or even the godforsaken “Spray On Hair.”

Maybe it was his defined jaw line, or chiseled facial features but Billy Zane rocked it and Hollywood embraced it.

If you’re going bald, take the Billy Zane route- he invented the “cool bald guy look.”  If it weren’t for Billy Zane, there would have never been a Jason Statham.


The Shaving Helmet

The latest viral video making its way around the web debuts an invention known as the Shaving Helmet. As you can see in the video above, it’s a helmet that shaves your head. Pretty cool, right?

Well, maybe. It’s not entirely clear whether the video is real or not. The test subject doesn’t stay on camera for the entire shave, not to mention the logistical problems like ears and head shape. What do you think – real or fake?


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