Schick Hydro Shaves Guys at Comic Con on a Pirate Ship

Barbers Offer Smooth Shaves With A Schick Hydro 5 Razor Aboard The Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Jackdaw Ship At Comic Con - Day 1

If you missed it yesterday, there’s still time to check out the Assassin’s Creed Jackdaw Ship at Comic Con today until 7PM at the 5th Avenue Pier in San Diego.

Schick Hydro teamed up with Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag to offer shaves fit for even the toughest, most heavily bearded pirates aboard the ship.

Men who step up to receive a customized shave will receive Schick Hydro 5 razors and have a chance to win exclusive prizes. Consumers are encouraged to follow @HydroExperience for exclusive Comic Con content and tweet us using #GetMoreBooty.

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