BarberShopBlog Talks To Greg Jennings About “Smelf-Confidence” And, Um, Balls
You’ve caught passes from obviously Aaron Rodgers and earlier in your career Brett Favre- who throws the ball harder?
I always have to tip my hat to Aaron simply because he is younger; I was with Brett in his latter stages. He has stories about guys with broken fingers on his resume, but when I was here definitely Aaron.
Who throws the more catchable ball? And what makes a ball more catchable?
They both throw the most catchable balls. And that said, NO Homo. But they both have balls that…I don’t even like to talk about it. They both throw a really good uh… (laughing) balls.
What’s the deal with Old Spice and how did you guys team up?
It’s all about the new Champion Scent and I was just working with Old Spice and the new ad campaign. There is more to come, but the first ad, me with my dog, just letting everybody know that if you believe in your “smelf”, anything can be possible. Your “smelf” is all about “smelf confidence” and making sure you can overcome anything getting the viewer and the fan to realize you can overcome any type of adverse situation if you use this Champion Scent from Old Spice.
Listen to the full interview here.
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Posted in: New Trends, Old School
Tags: Champion Scent, Green Bay Packers, Greg Jennings, NFL, old spice, Smelf Confidence